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In CELESUR we understand that to build the best work at the most competitive price, it has to be done by a working team agglutinated, that operates connected, with the idea to achieve a total quality in all areas.

In addition, CELESUR considers environmental protection as an essential component in their activity, aiming to contribute positively to the conservation of the environment around us.

Therefore, CELESUR has earned the certification of integrated management and environmental quality UNE EN ISO 9001 and EN ISO 14001, with the understanding that the requirements of these standards and these systems are a further guarantee that we can offer our customers and society in general.

We hold, that is not achieved the best quality at the best price by subcontracting services of companies operating in each of the fields successively. We admit that assuming the global execution of the work, our company is on full responsibility for its good operation

Therefore we put all our effort to serve this idea and offer the possibility, whilst providing an integral service at a price that competes, and further, comparing other systems of procedures, this form of action discharges their promoters from the responsibility the project requires.

All our staff have been trained in our company and knowing the way to grow, is to learn from those who precede and teach those who follow.

We do not believe, we have fully achieved our goals of total quality, but it is part of our philosophy to strive to get the said target, every day.

About criticism, like everyone, we are suffering but we are clear, that it is the best way to improve and to submit ourselves under steady auto evaluations. However, we like that we are compared, not to cover us with the mistakes of others, but to learn from their successes.



The best works at highly competitive


  Storage-water management
  Extractive industry
  Environment and Quality
  Security Controls
  Maintenance service
  Special constructions
  About of Company
  Our philosophy
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  Construction progress